Category: Google rankings

Search Engine Optimization Can Rock Your World

Google rankings

Search engine optimization is one of the fields that people are looking to expand into as they need to increase their presence online. Search engine rankings can be essential for this purpose because very few people know how Google works and, therefore, do not know how the right selection of keywords can make their site stack up against the sites of their competitors.

Nonetheless, Seo tools have proved remarkably beneficial for those who need them. Close to 88 percent of US internet users from the age of 14 upward look for products online and around 40 percent, when they browse for products on social media will do some kind of follow up.

Around 92 percent of adults in Read More

Good SEO Reporting is a Must For Effective Online Marketing


Did you know that the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, used LEGO bricks as a means of creating a storage compartment for the 10 4 GB hard drives that were utilized to test the PageRank algorithm when the now ubiquitous search engine was still just a graduate school research project? A lot has changed for Google and other search engines since those days. Currently, Google search engine rankings and SEO reporting are of the utmost importance as a means of guaging the effectiveness of internet marketing. However, of the 100 billion searches that are done online each month, about 75 percent of online users never continue past the first page of Google results. This means that if your web page does not come up right away, you are not going to get much traffic to your site, which is why SEO reporting is such a fu Read More

Get the Latest SEO News and Tools with Insightful Blogs

Seo marketing

If the topic of online marketing is important to you, than you know how vital SEO has become in in promoting your content, whether you are a business, artist, or a writer with something important to say. More than 70 percent of people who use search engines on the web ignore paid advertisements in the search results in favor of the organic results that are not sponsored.

And while we already know quite a bit about SEO marketing and how we can use to maximize our impact on the web and create a dialogue with online visitors, there is always more to be learned. It is here that SEO blogs can be wonderful sources of information on the subject.

Not only can these online sources provide you with the latest SEO news on the i Read More