The Comfort and Safety of Todays Hospital Beds – Discovery Videos

With the side rails foldable that can also be used separately, patients will remain secure to the bed throughout every moment of their stay. To ease sacral pressure and to improve the comfort of patients the bed is designed using a double regression mechanism for both the back and knees. In addition, a Stryker mattress will also reduce discomfort.

In order to prevent falling In order to avoid falls, a sophisticated egress system reduces the bed’s height to its lowest level with the push of the button. Lights on the LED indicator indicate to the operator that the bed is all the down. In case of emergency situations, CPR manual handles may also be used.

Every stryker bed is built to be ergonomically, weighs in at 250kg, and has brake pedals for each of the corners. Additionally, it has a an 10-year warranty. Every model has been thoroughly checked for safety to the highest level.

In order to provide night-time vision The stryker bed features “always in” illumination under the bed. Other features include an extended bed, an xray clear backrest, and a fifth wheel. The beds all work with the fourth EMC (Electromagnetic connectivity). tdeccw2nq6.

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